How to practice?
Most classes and workshops are currently being offered virtually. For simplicity, access to all live classes, as well as prerecorded video practices and other learning resources are available by becoming a member on Patreon. Monthly schedule details can also be found on Patreon. Look for a public post with schedule information posted monthly.

Why are classes so inexpensive?
When I launched my teaching on Patreon for a minimum payment of $5/month, a few people reached out to me about how I should be using higher pricing tiers and saying that I was undervaluing myself and they were completely right... if I want to measure my value in dollars. But I’m trying something else out. I want to value myself in things like sincerity and passion and engagement. And currently, the students that I’ve interacted with have all of that and more. I made a conscious decision a long time ago not to pay my bills by teaching yoga so that I never have to focus about how much I’m making from a teaching job. I can let my sole motivation be my own values and upholding the integrity of the yogic knowledge that has been entrusted to me. And I’ve gotta say, that works for me. Tradition teaches us that everything is an exchange of energy and money is only one form of energy. I’m so so appreciative of everyone who supports me in what I offer, financially and otherwise, however works best for them. Everything is an evolution of understanding and this is where I’ve landed for now. I hope you will join!


Coming Up

Class Schedule Posted Monthly on Patreon
Find class schedule here.

Retreat to India
January 24 - February 3, 2024
View details on Patreon.